3 Ways Office Coffee Services Boost Productivity

Coffee: it’s the delicious energy boost that every employee needs during a busy workday. Staying productive in the office is a lot easier when there's a coffeemaker a few steps away from the desk. While the rich aromas provide enough reason to seek out office coffee services, we're happy to elaborate on several other benefits of keeping some brew in the back.

Posted Date: Monday, 13 December 2021 12:17

Green Tea vs Black Tea: What to Know

Black tea and green tea are two of the most popular teas in the world. While both teas are soothing to sip on, they have quite a few differences between them. Beyond just the color, there are differences in the health benefits, caffeine levels, and more between green and black tea. Before you steep a teabag at your next office meeting, take a look at the differences between green tea vs black tea below.

Posted Date: Tuesday, 09 November 2021 12:36

Get a Taste of Colorado's Coffee: Behind the Brew

Colorado's coffee has a reputation for being the best. And it's not hard to see why. The high-altitude roasting process can bring out the coffee’s freshest flavors for a more robust cup than what would be found at lower elevations. Local roasters craft bold flavors that awaken and excite for a productive day in the office. Today we’ll outline several coffee roasters in Colorado and what makes their blends so special.

Posted Date: Thursday, 21 October 2021 11:17

How Your Team Benefits From Quality Office Water In Denver

Has your business fully reopened following COVID? Are your workers returning to the office? If so, you'll want to ensure that your workspace is prepared to effectively support your employees. We suggest taking a deeper look into the beverages that you'll offer your workers. And while tap water is better than nothing, you might want to rethink your office water in Denver.

Posted Date: Friday, 24 September 2021 12:50
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