What are the benefits of offering free office snacks?
There are many reasons that businesses offer their employees complimentary snacks. Some of the biggest benefits include:
Improved workplace morale
Snacks make people happy, plain and simple. Just think of the last time you had a hard day. Didn’t a snack make you feel at least a little bit better? When offices offer their employees food at work, it implicitly tells them you care about their health and happiness.
Offering office snacks also tells employees you are prioritizing workplace culture and employee satisfaction. In fact, a survey done by USA TODAY revealed that a whopping 67% of employees who get complimentary snacks at work are either “extremely” or “very” happy with their careers.
A healthy workforce
When you imagine office snacks, you might envision bowls of candy, chips, or sugary desserts. But office snacks don’t have to be unhealthy. In fact, they can be quite the opposite and part of your broader health and wellness initiatives. For instance, here at Redcup, we offer the following healthy snacks:
- Mighty Muffins packed with protein, fiber, and probiotics
- Fruit snacks full of vitamins
- Air-popped popcorn
- Trail mix filled with heart-healthy fats
- Clif energy bars
- Luna nutrition bars
- Air-popped pop chips
Enhanced productivity
Food is fuel. Giving your body the nutrients it needs is one of the best ways to maintain your energy throughout the workday. And high energy is key to increased workplace productivity. So not only do office snacks give your workforce a boost; they also benefit your bottom line.
Less time out of the office
Whether or not you offer office snacks, your employees are going to get them—either from you or elsewhere. And it’s no secret that having employees who are frequently coming and going can be distracting and can waste time. Providing snacks can help ensure your employees stay put instead of having to go out of the office to buy snacks.
What to look for in an office snack delivery service
Okay, you know the benefits of offering snacks, but who should you work with? And what should you look for in a delivery service? The answer is simple. Rather than working with a national chain, try looking locally first! Supporting local businesses is a great way to give back to your community.
And small businesses also tend to offer superior customer service. If you need something, there are no 1-800 numbers or machines on the other end. You can talk to real people about any questions or concerns that may arise.
It’s also best to work with an office snack delivery provider who also offers office beverages. This way, you don’t have to place multiple orders with different vendors. Here at Redcup, we also offer office water, tea, coffee, and kombucha services.
Stock up with office snack delivery in Denver
If you’re ready to start your search for an office snack delivery service in Denver, reach out to us at Redcup Beverage Service. We are your one-stop-shop for all of your office snack and beverage needs. And we’re locally owned and operated!
What are you waiting for? Request a quote today!