Differences Between Black, Green, White, & Red Tea: Health Benefits
Finding a tea you like can be a challenge with so many options out there. It is even more difficult when you are looking for a tea that will provide a certain type of benefit. For example, chamomile tea promotes sleep, green tea supports your metabolism, and so on. Because there is so much to keep track of when it comes to the difference between types of tea, we took a look at the fundamental differences in the process of making each one. We're expanding that research to create a definitive guide that explains the difference between black, green, white, and red teas and the benefits each can offer.
redcup Now Carries Kombucha! But What's That?
Kombucha is growing more and more popular, especially in recent years. It is becoming a staple in the kitchens of health conscious people everywhere and even making its way into the 2016 PepsiCo brand portfolio.
Jazz Up Your Summer Iced Tea
Whether it's at a barbecue with friends or just hanging around the house, you can seek refuge from the heat this summer with a cool, refreshing iced tea. While the base of iced tea is usually a classic black tea, you can jazz it up by adding some additional flavors to liven up the same-ole, same-ole. Follow these three easy tips.
The Difference Between Black, Green, White, and Red Teas: The Process
Most people are surprised when they hear that all types of true teas come from the same plant. However, the nature of the Camellia sinensis plant, as well as weather and soil conditions determine the final flavor of the tea. The main factor that determines the color a tea plant turns is based on the level of oxidation the tea leaves experience after being plucked. Although all varieties of tea discussed below, other than Rooibos (or red tea), come from the same plant, they all boast unique characteristics. We’ve explored four of the major types of teas so you can see how they differ from one another.